Opening: Neo-American Transcendental

Opening: Neo-American Transcendental

Who: Michael Maxwell
What: Fine Art - Mixed Media
When 2 June - 7 July 2018
Where Garis&Hahn

Michael Maxwell's work reminded me of some Tame Impala album art except I really wanted to touch it. You could still sense his hand in the objects, a quality I value after the art leaves its studio. These psychedelic scenes originate from digital layering and create a denser, more thoughtful assessment of the fractal. Rather than leaving the viewer in a dizzying abyss, he redeems the distortion by inserting pleasing pastels and earth tones into his color palate.  

This was my first visit to Garis&Hahn. While the space lent itself to this exhibition generously (and probably would to most contemporary art), I'd prefer to see a more laid-back use of this location as it would certainly lend warmth to the viewership. Nonetheless, these visceral works definitely warranted a second go-around after adding the opening to my Instagram story.

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