Austin Irvan photographs the 'feminine mystique'

Austin Irvan photographs the 'feminine mystique'


Whether he's playing the guitar, taking photos, or cooking up 5-star gourmet recipes—Austin Irvin is a multi-talented creative with a new project on his hands. As a photographer, his new photo-set embraces portraits of women with dark undertones and faded color gradients. We asked Austin where his inspiration stems from and what was the creative direction behind the project and this is what he had to say;

"My inspiration originated from my admiration of the feminine mystique. I was raised by a woman and that in turn allowed me to experience life as a male with the refinement of beauty that is a woman. The dark is notions of the past and how primarily sexualized women tend to be, I wanted to build a bridge between empowerment and conviction. 

Astrologically speaking, my Scorpio influence allows intuition and adoration for the things typically unseen. The bright contrast is an influence of the Leo moon that was in place at the time—adding light and allowing multiple perspectives to be captured while holding to the true style of me. 

I want to embrace the idea of destructive criticism to instill inspiration and plants seeds of better fortune. Without the death (dark aspect) there can be no light (colored contrast) to follow and thus giving rebirth. I intended to present that shuttle idea in my photos as a call to action for people to see more than just the sexuality but the intrinsic beauty that each of us possesses."

Austin Irvin


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